
Stratify: User Guide

A screenshot of the UI

Stratify is more than just a task organizer; it’s a seamless experience designed to amplify your productivity.

A user-friendly, command-line-input based interface ensures efficient task handling without unnecessary complexities. Stratify empowers you to effortlessly manage your tasks, providing a streamlined approach to boost your productivity. Easy to use, Stratify eliminates the learning curve. Dive in, follow a few simple steps, and let it transform how you manage your tasks.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest stratify.jar from here.
  3. Copy the jar file into the folder that you want to use as the home directory for Stratify.
  4. Open up a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar stratify.jar command to run the application. A GUI similar to the below should appear.

The GUI when you start up


Listing your task list: list

Displays your task list, with all your added tasks within.



Ending the chat: bye

Ends the chat.



Adding todos: todo

Adds a named todo, into your task list.


todo <name>


todo homework

Adding deadlines: deadline

Adds a named deadline, with a by date, into your task list.


deadline <name> /by <by_date>


deadline read book /by Friday

Adding events: event

Adds a named event, with, into your task list.


event <name> /from <start_date> /to <end_date>


event cs2103t tutorial /from 1pm /to 2pm

Marking a task: mark

Marks a task as complete.


mark <index>


mark 1

Unmarking a task: unmark

Marks a task as incomplete.


unmark <index>


unmark 1

Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a task from your task list.


delete <index>


delete 1

Finding tasks: find

Finds a task from your task list.


find <name>


find work

Undoing an action: undo

Undoes a change that you have made.


undo [/by <steps>]


User inputs:

todo assignment 


User inputs:

todo assignment
deadline homework /by tomorrow
undo 2

Resizing your chatbot

The chatbot can be resized to fit your screen, by resizing the window.

Editing the data file

The data is saved as a human-readable file in [JAR file location]/data/save.txt. Advanced users can modify the data file directly.


If the format of the save file is invalid, your save file will be discarded and replaced with a new save file, with an empty task list. It is recommended to have a backup of your save file if you have modified it directly.


Q: How can I undo a change that I made?

A: Use the undo command to roll back your change.

Q: How can I transfer my data to another device?

A: Copy over the save file, and your data should be transferred.

Q: Why does save file fail to load?

A: Your save file is either in the wrong format, or stored in the wrong location.

Q: How can I tell if my command was successful?

A: If your command is successful, there will be a success message. Otherwise, there would be an error message.

Commands: Quick reference

Command Format
list list
bye bye
todo todo <name>
deadline deadline <name> /by <by_date>
event event <name> /from <start_date> /to <end_date>
mark mark <index>
unmark unmark <index>
delete delete <index>
find find <name
undo undo [/by <steps>]

Command Syntax

Commands: Command refers to some text that a user can input, which results in the execution of some action, and displays something in the chat. The execution can be either successful or unsuccessful (gives error message).

Arguments: Argument refers to some text that starts with a forward slash, followed by possibly brackets, in the command line.